Here is a growing listing of information gathered about hundreds of fruits, vegetables, spices, and nuts currently being grown in Hawaiʻi.
The heart of this database started in our hours of standing in farmers markets and listening to all the gems of information being shared between market goers and with the farmers themselves –
“How do you cook that?” “How do you know when it’s ripe?” “Can you eat the whole thing?”
We knew we had to come up with a way to keep that spirit of sharing food knowledge and stories alive, and a way to archive it too.
Another valuable tidbit we found was more information on how to prolong the life of a fruit or a vegetable once we got it home. The thing about locally grown things is that it already has a longer refrigerator life than what gets flown in – but how much money could we all save (and how much wasting of food could we avoid) if we knew the best way to keep that cucumber?
So far we have 100 items we are excited about writing about and listing here, we are only half way done and every day the list grows – so stay tuned for more!
Would you like to add information to this growing archive of how we eat in Hawaii? We are always interested in hearing how you and your grandma use this or that, or even if you had tips you’d like to share about selecting or storing so if you are up for sharing, let us know.
Though we think of persimmons as a fruit, they are actually edible berries. They grow on trees that are part of the Ebenacae family, known for ebony wood. Persimmon were0 [ read more ]
Pineapple is a plant that is part of the bromeliad family, indigenous to South America, whose origin is thought to be the region between southern Brazil and Paraguay. The0 [ read more ]
What we know as the potato is the edible tuber of a plant that is part of the nightshade family. There are thousands of different varieties that over the centuries0 [ read more ]
Pumpkin is part of the gourd-like squash family. They are thought to have originated in North America and are grown for culinary and cultural use (traditionally carved at Halloween). Although0 [ read more ]
So many plants we overlook today as weeds have been considered a food or even a medicine at one time or another. Purslane is one of them. It's beautiful0 [ read more ]
Radish is an edible root vegetable, it is part of the large family that also include cabbages, turnips and mustards plants. They vary in size, color, spiciness according to variety.0 [ read more ]
Rambutan is a tree that belongs to the same family as lychee. It is thought to have originated in Indonesian archipelago, growing naturally in Thailand, Vietnam and Philppines, it is0 [ read more ]
Rau Ram is an herb whose leaves are used in Southeast Asian cuisines. It is not a mint, but part of the smartweed or pink weed family. It is a0 [ read more ]
Rice Paddy Herb is a flowering tropical plant native to Southeast Asia. It traditionally flourishes in flooded rice paddies, hence its name. It belongs to the plantain family. It is0 [ read more ]
Sea Asparagus (also known as sea beans, pous pied, salicornia, glasswort) is a sea vegetable that grows naturally on coastlines and here in Hawaii in aquaculture salt water ponds. It0 [ read more ]