Here is a growing listing of information gathered about hundreds of fruits, vegetables, spices, and nuts currently being grown in Hawaiʻi.
The heart of this database started in our hours of standing in farmers markets and listening to all the gems of information being shared between market goers and with the farmers themselves –
“How do you cook that?” “How do you know when it’s ripe?” “Can you eat the whole thing?”
We knew we had to come up with a way to keep that spirit of sharing food knowledge and stories alive, and a way to archive it too.
Another valuable tidbit we found was more information on how to prolong the life of a fruit or a vegetable once we got it home. The thing about locally grown things is that it already has a longer refrigerator life than what gets flown in – but how much money could we all save (and how much wasting of food could we avoid) if we knew the best way to keep that cucumber?
So far we have 100 items we are excited about writing about and listing here, we are only half way done and every day the list grows – so stay tuned for more!
Would you like to add information to this growing archive of how we eat in Hawaii? We are always interested in hearing how you and your grandma use this or that, or even if you had tips you’d like to share about selecting or storing so if you are up for sharing, let us know.
Araimo is also known as Japanese Taro or Dasheen. It's the corm of a dry-land variety of taro, coarse and hairy like other taro, but a lot smaller (usually 2-30 [ read more ]
Arugula is also known by the name rocket, which to many describes its unexpectedly peppery and dark green punch that can become strangely addicting. A very beautiful leafy green, it's0 [ read more ]
The lovely and delicate asparagus spears grow on a large flowering herbaceous plant with feathery fronds. Asparagus is native to most of Europe, North Africa and India. Wild asparagus, as0 [ read more ]
[caption id="attachment_1561" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Linda avocados grown in Kona"][/caption] Avocados are officially the berry (single seed bearing) of the avocado tree. It is native originally to central Mexico but now0 [ read more ]
Bananas are first thought to have been cultivated as early as 3000 B.C. in Papua New Guinea. Though most of us think of the banana as the fruit of a0 [ read more ]
Basil is an herb that is now being widely cultivated for both its culinary and medicinal uses. The origin of basil is thought to be in India. Over the centuries0 [ read more ]
Beets are part of the plant family (Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae) and are related to chard - in case you noticed a similarity in the taste and texture of their leaves. Beets are cultivated for0 [ read more ]
Bell peppers are botanically a fruit, but is known and used culinarily as a vegetable. It is part of the capsicum family that we know as the peppers and chiles,0 [ read more ]
Though similar in size and shape as a cucumber, with its warty, wrinkled bright green skin, bitter melon sure stands out. Yes, it is an acquired taste. Its infamous bitterness0 [ read more ]
Bok Choy is member of the cabbage family. It grows in tall leafy clusters instead of round heads. Mild in flavor and tender (succulent when cooked) in texture, it was0 [ read more ]