Yuzu (Yuja, Youzi)
Yuzu is the fruit of a citrus plant originating in East Asia. It grows as a small shrub or tree. The fruit is small and round, its peel is green or yellow, depending on ripeness. It’s known for its aromatic tartness. Rarely eaten as a fruit, its juice and rind is what is most often used in cooking.
Prepping and Eating Tips
– Wash your yuzu well before prepping, using a veggie brush if possible. This is helpful especially since you will be most likely grating its rind for zest. Pat dry with towel.
– Yuzu juice can be used to flavor sauces (the Japanese Ponzu sauces is a famous example), honey, teas, cocktails, fruit waters.
– Slivers of its rind and grated zest can be used to lend flavor to marmalades, teas, desserts.
– In Korea a lovely tea, Yuja Cha, is made with yuzu marmalade that can be made at home with fresh yuzu and honey. This is used as a cold and flu remedy.
Selecting and Storing Tips
Look for firm and heavy fruit.
Store in the fridge in airtight container or bag for up to a week.