Mohala Farms
Here’s a description from their wonderful website:
“Mohala Farms is located on 6 acres of agriculturally zoned land in the Waialua district of Oahu. Just off Thompson’s Corner, the farm is in the Kamananui ahupua’a, a land division that stretches up the slopes of Mount Ka’ala, includes the Kaukonahua ditch and stream, and widens out into the ocean along Kaiaka Bay.”
“As an organic and sustainable farm, our work is based on a continual regeneration of the soil and creating a farm eco-system that is thriving with biological diversity. This is being done through large-scale composting, crop rotations, cover crops, wormbins and vermicast foliar sprays, natural and organic pest repellants, beekeeping and a continual exploration for the most adaptable, disease-resistant variety of food crops to grow.
Sustainable agriculture also focuses on the triple bottom line – on the social, environmental and the financial. Our goal is to meet all three of these components. This involves the farm contributing to a thriving local economy, increasing the health and vitality of our land, and becoming financially self-sustaining while providing our workers with a fulfilling livelihood and a living wage.”
They have a great CSA program, click here for info.
You can also find their produce at the farmers markets listed below, as well as Kokua Coop in town and Celestial Foods in Hale’iwa.
Restaurants that serve their produce: town, Sushi ii, Peace Cafe, and Soul.