Hashimoto Persimmon Farm


In Hawaii, we are fortunate to have a persimmon farm!

The Hashimoto Persimmon Farm is located on the beautiful slopes of Haleakala in Kula, Maui at 3,300 feet elevation. The farm was established in the early 1920’s by Shinhichi Hashimoto. Subsequently, his son Isami Hashimoto and then John Hashimoto ran the family farm. Today, fourth generation farmer, Clark Hashimoto is now managing the farm. The farm encompasses a total of five hundred persimmon trees on five acres of land. The fresh fruits are harvested and sold during the months of October, November and part of December of each year. Dehydrated persimmons are also sold during these months.
Today, there are 500 trees on five acres of land. When John retired from farming, his son Howard took over the duties at the vegetable farm and he started concentrating on growing the persimmons. The legacy of the Hashimoto persimmon was really started by John Hashimoto and in 2003, his son Clark, took over the management of the farm what is known as the Hashimoto Persimmon Farm today. Clark’s two brothers, Howared and Noel are also partners in the farm and it is truly a family farm.
In 2005, Clark’s wife Jackie developed a line of persimmon products that includes persimmon jam, persimmon butter, persimmon scone mix and persimmon salad dressing. These products are now available all year round. Along with the fresh fruits (season is October, November and part of December), these products have been a good compliment to the farm. These value-added products now bring income to the farm on a year-round basis.


1372 Pulehuiki Road
Kula, Maui, Hawaii
(808) 878-1461