Business Survey

The intent of She Grows Food’s Farmers & Chefs Huli Hui is to connect people and chefs directly with the farms that grow food, farmers markets committed to 100% local produce, CSA’s and other businesses dedicated to building our local food system.

Would your business like to be part of She Grows Food’s Farmers & Chefs Huli Hui?

Here’s how it works:

  • Please provide the following information in this questionnaire.
  • We create a listing for your business with the info you provide.
  • There’s no fees involved, but please keep us updated on new additions or changes to your listing.
  • If you are interested special crops or orders for your businesses please let us know.
  • If you are interested in participating in a No Waste Huli Hui project that helps farmers move surplus and off-grade produce to restaurants and food manufacturers, let us know.

    Name of Business: (required)

    Chef/Owner's Name: (required)

    Contact Email: (required)

    Contact Address: (required)

    Your Web site:

    Surplus and Off-grades

    Are you interested in purchasing locally grown surplus or off-grade produce, or both?


    Please list produce you would be interested in purchasing:

    Is your staff able to pick up your order from farmers markets?


    Would you require delivery?


    Collaborations with Farmers

    What new crops would you be interested in supporting? Please include quantity you could commit to for first harvest for each listing:


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