Market details:

Tuesdays 2-4:00 p.m.
5-5785A Kuhio Hwy
Hanalei, Kauaʻi, Hawai‘i
(808) 652-6236

Market Farmers:

Waipa Farmers Market


Waipa Farmers Market is run by the Waipa Foundation in Hanalei on Kau‘ai.

Here’s a description from their website of their farmers market:

“Waipa Farmers Market – Every Tuesday, 2pm

Featuring a variety of local vendors offering fresh and mostly organic veggies, fruits, flowers and a variety of foods and crafts. BUY LOCAL, EAT LOCAL, LIVE LOCAL.

Customers for the market should turn into the unpaved driveway, just on the Hanalei side of the paved driveway, and park where you are directed. (Tuesday afternoons, the paved driveway is for vendors only.) The market opens promptly at 2pm, and there is no browsing allowed beforehand. The “Waipa booth” in the center of market offers information about us, and is where we sell Waipa t-shirts, bags, and produce.”

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